33 / Support the Show

This is a story about the number 33. And it is a request for listener support.
When Rebecca turned 33, in 1998, her friends helped her throw a "Theory of 33" party. Gathered in a circle, they each took turns sharing their theories of what Rebecca's 33rd year had in store.
At some point in the celebration, Rebecca looked down at the drink in her hand, a green glass bottle full of Old Latrobe Rolling Rock beer. On the back of the bottle was a message to the drinker: "We tender this beer for your enjoyment, as a tribute to your hard work and dedication. Thanks for a successful and productive year." And beneath this message, with no explanation, was the number "33".
We all have these moments of enchanting synchronicity, flashes of magick woven into our everyday lives. Since that night, the number 33 has always held an ineffable and spiritual significance for Rebecca. It's an angel number (with its recurring digits), a magick sign, a reminder of the universe's inexplicable alignment.
"Voices in the River" is a show about the power of seeing magick in the world around us and in ourselves. And it has always been a collective project. When Rebecca and the show's founding producer, Theo Balcomb, launched the podcast, they imagined digging a channel for a river of women's untold stories. But as this river has gained momentum, it has become clear that the voices within it aren't only the voices of Rebecca and the podcast's guests. The river of this show also carries the voices of our listeners, as you embrace your own power through intuition and magick.
Season 2 of “Voices in the River” is launching December 15th, and its 13 episodes will unfold in the rhythm of each new moon and full moon. As this new season of stories is beginning, we are calling on this powerful river for support.
We are an independent show, and up to this point, we have made these conversations with care, time, love, and absolutely no budget or institutional support. This has been equally enthralling and challenging. And as we’ve brainstormed about how to assemble resources for this show, we’ve wanted to do so thoughtfully, without sacrificing the beauty of what we are offering. A lot of you have told us that you listen to us in your “twilight hours,” those transitional times when you wake up, as you get ready for bed, or after a long day of work. We are so honored that you would welcome our voices into these moments, and it’s important to us that we don’t pollute the river we are sharing with a barrage of advertisements that don’t serve our listeners.
After reviewing our options, we have decided to open a channel for listener support. Let us be clear: this isn’t a paywall, nor is it a monthly subscription—it’s a request for a payment in support of our 13 episode season. Our show will continue to be available to everyone and to be a resource for all who finds solace in these stories.
If you value our show, we would be so grateful if you would give an offering of $33 for our second season. You can do so by clicking the following button.
$33 is about how much you would pay for a hardcover book, an anthology of conversations you can imagine holding in your hand. $33 will help us continue to make this show and to nurture our ambitions for what it can be. We will accept offerings of all amounts at the links above. If you can pay more than $33 for this season, we would be incredibly grateful. If you can’t pay $33, we completely understand, and we hope you continue to enjoy these conversations and might share them with others.
Thank you for being a part of this river; together, our voices will strengthen its flow.